
Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Freebies - 03 September, 2010

Greetings Gnafia,

It's time for another Freebie-filled-Friday! The disclaimer still applies that I am not responsible for any spam or unwanted mail you may recieve as a result of requesting these freebies, but I do take care in selecting reputable companies that hopefully won't throw you under the bus like that. So, without further delay, your Friday Freebies!

Honorable Mention: Gas-X Thin Strips

Maybe you get a little gassy after Mexican night? Maybe you don't, but your family is planning something that just sounds like it will wreak havoc on your lower digestive tract for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Never fear, for you can try some Gas-X Thin Strips for free! Click here to get hooked up with some free Gas-X Thin Strips!

Runner-Up: True Lemon Drink Mix

It sounds like a lemony version of Tang, to be perfectly honest. But, they want you to try their product and get the word out. The least I can do in exchange for a sample of their hopefully tasty beverage mix is to tell you about it, too! Click here to request a free sample of True Lemon Drink Mix!

Winner: AstroGlide X Personal Lubricant

Do I really need to say more? It's freaking personal lubricant for use with your significant other or your favorite hand if you're not that lucky. And it's free. And there aren't pictures of naked women and all other potentially inappropriate content. Why delay, click here to get your free sample of AstroGlide X!

Freaky Freebie of the Week: BreatheRite Strips

OK, this really isn't a 'weird' freebie, but I use this slot as a discretionary slot for things I find odd, unusual, kind of weird, or otherwise funny. In this case, it's funny. There's a running joke in my family regarding most things involving snoring, including treatments for snoring. I don't know how many times it's been suggested certain family members use these, but now is their opportunity to get some for free and try them out. So can you! Click here to request your free sample of BreatheRite Strips!

Thats all for today, Gnafiamates. I hope you enjoy your Friday Freebies, I look forward to providing you with high quality samples for next week! If you have a suggestion for a Friday Freebie, let me know via Facebook or e-mail. Cheers!

As always, keep it in the family.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just another Thursday...

Greetings Gnafia,

You'll have to forgive my lack of posting this last week. I've found myself rather devoid of energy, motivation, and a host of other things important for getting work done. It happens.

You have to enjoy morning when you wake up, think that it's Wednesday, find some small glimmer of happiness that maybe things are starting to look up and this can be the day that you start to get everything in order, only to have it come crashing down when your spouse say, "Wait a minute, it's Thursday."


So much for that idea.

I've noticed something about doctors in the Navy. They have a tendancy to not diagnose you due to the career rammifications of such a diagnosis. So in essence you end up with an improper diagnosis, with or without the right treatment, just so something unfavorable doesn't happen. In some cases, perhapes this is the best route to go, no doubt. Doc on USS LASTSHIP definately did his best to try and make it happen, and I am very grateful for it! But this trend keeps popping up. I'll continue to do more research, but I'm not entirely convinced that what little treatment I've been getting is either effective or entirely appropriate. Though, as my mother recently shared with me, "You are your own best advocate when it comes to your healthcare." So true mother, so true.

On a slightly happier note, this week I recieved my first freebie. A 2.75 oz bag of Cheetos. Their suggested retail price is $0.99. I don't know if I would have otherwise purchased said Cheetos, so it's a great thing they came as a sample. When my wife and I tear into the bag as part of a game-induced binge fest, I'll let you know how they are. The flavor of them is Rajin' Cajun & Cool Ranch. Interesting combination. Hopefully things keep trickling in, with an occasional 'Holy crap this feels like Christmas' day of many things arriving at once.

Cheers, and as always, keep it in the family.