
Friday, September 17, 2010

Return of the Friday Freebie - September 17th, 2010

Greetings Gnafia,

It is once again Friday. Can I get a hallelujha, amen? Well, to echo that sentiment I have a delicious new batch of freebie links for you all to enjoy. And yes, I have been recieving lots of samples in the mail recently, which always add a smile to my face. Until Sadie starts stealing wrappers and smelling things. Like the little pouch of dog food we recieved the other day. But she's a dog, so what can you expect, right?

Without much further delay, here you go! Go get 'em, gnafia!

Honorable Mention: Crest Pro Health Clinical Gum Protection Paste

It's toothpaste. How different can toothpaste REALLY be? Never the less, give those toofers and your gums a treat by trying this tantalizing toothpaste. Click here to request your free sample. I just hope it isn't citrus flavored. My siblings still give me crap for actually LIKING the orange flavored toothpaste.

Runner-Up: Quaker Life Nutrition Bar

Bannana Nut Bread, or Cinnamon Roll Raisin Pecan flavor? Which to choose!? Too bad you can't get both. But you can get one or the other of Quaker's new nutrition bar. With 5g of fiber per bar, and interesting flavors to choose from, hopefully they're actually worth digesting. Click here to request you free sample of Quaker Life Nutrition Bars!

Winner: Kashi Snackdrive

This one goes out to my nutritionally-minded sisters. At one point they were huge advocates of Kashi brand yummies. If that's still the case, then they can enjoy one of three Kashi products for free. Yay. You can choose between a strawberry breakfast bar, a chewy granola bar, or a 7-grain cracker. Score! The wide selection and recognized brand name propel Kashi above Quaker to snag this week's Freebie Winner's spot. Act fast, this offer expires on the 19th of Septemeber! Click here to select your free Kashi sample!

Freaky Freebie of the week: Wisconsin Cheese Guide

With 33 cheeses from Wisconsin, you too may have a hard time choosing which one to eat. Why not all 33? Well, I can't offer you a variety of Wisconsin cheeses to taste, but I can offer you a Cheese Guide. At least Wisconsin doesn't need to run a smear campaign to convince idiots that their daiy is better, because Wisconsin offers products that speak for themselves. 'Happy cows come from California' only qualifies if by 'Happy' you mean heavy-metal poisoned, asthma-ridden, water-deprived, Flaming-Liberal-surrounded, and paranoid-of-poisonous-critters, then yes, those cows do come from California. Simply euphoric cows come from Wisconsin, though. Click here to get your cheese guide on cheeses that come from euphoric cows. Mmm, Wisconsin Cheese.

Also, if you have multiple places you may want to look into seasonal status on some of your utilities like cable. One Gnafia member has reported a savings of over $60 a month on their cable bill by going into a seasonal status on one of their locations where they do not reside during the summer. Please, feel free to respond below if you actually request the aforementioned freebies, or have anything to add like these kinds of money saving tips. Otherwise, I may think nobody is reading. This I know is not true, because I have statistics that show we average about 20 readers per post.

Keep it in the family.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dystopia of the Mind

Greetings Gnafia,

I realize it's been a week since my last post. I'll have you know that I don't care. I'll post when I darn well feel like it, and either you like it or you don't.

I've returned to hit-or-miss sleeping habits. Saturday I was instructed to discontinue use of one of my medications due to hallucinations. Nothing overly serious, but the decision was made to maintain the peace of mind of both my wife and my dog. For those of you that don't know this yet, dogs generally do not appreciate having socks put on them. It does not matter to them if you think they will fall through the floor otherwise, dogs do not like wearing socks. I wonder if their feet ever get cold?

If you're concerned about the topic of today's post, don't be. It's an exaggeration. Though there are times it feels very much like the truth. The thoughts that seemingly appear out of nowhere, the shifts in moods that don't have a lot of rhyme or reason, and everything inbetween can be very exhausting. There's a certain appeal to losing yourself in an alternate reality. Whether that is in a book, through your XBox 360, with a group of people, or my personal favorite of a text-based adventure, after spending most of my day in my own head it's a delight to escape to the head of someone else that I've created.

On another random topic, my wife is looking for a job. She's applied for a few, and hasn't heard anything back. I suspect this is the whole 'The economy sucks' bit I keep reading on the news. Fair enough. Right now we're a one-automobile family, and soon I may be in the market for another mode of transportation. A motorcycle, perhaps. The public transportation in San Diego sucks, so it's unlikely I will use that. Maybe I can find someone near me to carpool with. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, it's nice to have furniture. It looks like a bomb exploded in our apartment, but at least we have a place to sit. Sleeping in a bed is also a nice change from an air matress. Taco pie is on the menu once again thanks to having our Pyrex glass 13"x9" pan. Yes indeed, the quality of life is on the up and up. If only I remember to get an HDMI cable and Oreo's tonight on my way home from work.

Keep it in the family.