
Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Freebies - August 27th, 2010

Good morning Gnafiamates! I've decided that Fridays shall be Freebie Fridays here at the Gnafia Gnook.

Now, here's the little disclaimer - I cannot guarantee that these offers are COMPLETELY legit, nor am I responsible for any spam whatsoever. Hence my recommendation of making a 'freebie e-mail account' as noted in previous posts. I've taken care to select only legitimate companies I've heard of and are offering things people might actually want or use. Fair enough? OK!

Honorable Mention: Kellogg's All-Bran Promise Pack

I guess this offer, from Kellogg's, gets you a free sample of their All-Bran cereal, bar, and drink-mix, plus some coupons. Not a bad deal. Only problem is it's All-Bran. If this was some sort of edible Kellogg's cereal, it would be higher up. Click here to sign up for your free All-Bran Promise Pack!

Runner-Up: Hot Tamales

Who doesn't love those spicy cinnamon candies? Well, for a limited time you can get your very own free package of Hot Tamales candy. they look like a pretty small pouch, but who gives a flying flip, they're free Hot Tamales! I had to play a spinning game for a solid ten minutes to win, but figured out that the winning URL works even if you didn't play the game. Click here to get your FREE Hot Tamales!

Best Freebie: 10 Free Pregnancy and/or Ovulation Sticks

A friend of mine once shared some wisdom her mother gave her. Her mother said, "Shannon, $10 is a good price for a pregnancy test." Well Shannon's Mom, how about free? Now, this is not something I personally will be using, but I know somebody who may use them some day. And since they're free, why not? I just ask that if you're just getting them to get them, I would discourage. Why? Because this isn't a company for profit trying to get you to buy their stuff, it's a non-profit organization trying to better the world. So it's a feel-good thing AND free. Bonus. Click here to get your FREE pregnancy tests!

Best Weird Offer: Free Ice Bag

My first free thing link that I shared is probably the best useless/weird offer of all time, the doggie sleeping bag. Which, by the way, I'm still super excited to recieve. I'll probably figure out how to put pictures on this blog once it comes in. With a dog in it, of course. But today's top free weird thing is an ice bag. Because it's not something that is overly useful, and most people just use a plastic bag with some paper towels. But hell, it's free, right? So why not. There's also a link to it on my facebook page, which I'm not sure is a requirement but it said it was, so I went all out for this one. Click here to get your FREE Ice Bag!

Thats it for your Friday Freebies, Gnafiamates. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I'll be volunteering at a horse ranch this Saturday for an event where handicapped children ride horses as theraputic treatment. It should be a blast. Kids, horses, ranches... what more could a guy want? Besides a doggie sleeping bag and an ice bag.

Keep it in the family!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who doesn't love free stuff?

So I debated for a short while as to whether to post this, and decided ultimately I would take the risk of public embarassment and shunning in favor of accomplishing my goals set forth at the establishment of this blog.

You may have noticed the addition of the Swidget 1.0 at the top right of the blog. You may have even asked yourself "What the hell is Swagbucks?" Well, as delinated in the first and second posts, I've been experimenting with ways to obtain free stuff. One of the ideas I toyed with in my head was "Wouldn't it be cool if I could obtain either cash or giftcards for use on major sites to either obtain or help obtain what I REALLY want, or things that just seem obscenely cool." More importantly, I wanted something that is legit and works. Not sort of works, or halfway works, but honest to goodness gives me free moohlah for little to no effort.

Now, if you search generic terms like, "free money online" or some variation with synonyms, you'll get a LOT of junk. Things where you're afraid to click on it because you'll probably infect your computer with all sorts of malicious software. I also realize that a lot of these sites just want to spam your inbox with all sorts of crap because they get money for advertising. Well, surprisingly enough there ARE establishments out there that are willing to share their advertisement revenue with you. It's the equivalent of a symbiotic relationship, and really makes a lot of sense.

Swagbucks is one such symbiotic site. You know how Google is a multi-quintillion dollar company? They make their money through advertisements. Those 'Sponsored Sites' that pop up when you search but you probably just ignore? Yeah, companies pay for those links to be put there. Swagbucks is a search-engine combined with other optional advertising gimmicks that awards you their own 'currency' called swag bucks for using their search engine. You can redeem those swag bucks in their swag store for swag stuff. The swag stuff ranged from mechanical pencils, hats, t-shirts, all the way up to the humongous-it'll-take-years-to-accumulate-enough-swag-bucks-to-get prizes like an XBox or an iPod.

If you're thinking, "Ooooh boy, I can get a free XBox!" I'm going to hit you with the mop of reality. I average probably 25-30 swag bucks a day, maybe more depending on how much free time I have at work to do things like an occasional survey about Sapporo beer (who would have guessed that they wanted my opinion on their beer labels? Who has even heard of Sapporo beer without having been to Japan?). In about 10 days I've managed to accumulate 472 swag bucks (current tally available on the Swidget). What can I get for 472 swag bucks? Well, a $5 Amazon Gift Card is 450 swag bucks. So for using Swagbucks instead of Google for 10 days I managed to snag a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Sweet.

I'm sure you're waiting for the catch. Unfortunately, there isn't one. I almost wish there was one, but there isn't. I guess there have been some changes in the last few months, such as limiting the number of each prize available each month. People are still redeeming for their $5 Amazon Gift Cards, so I'm not too worried about those not being available. Afraid to enter your e-mail address due to spam? Aside from the confirmation e-mail, I haven't recieved a single piece of spam. They don't even require your address to register.

I'll encourage anyone reading this to sign up today by clicking here. Try it out. You can delete your account at any time, or just discontinue use. Anyone strapped for cash (i.e. college students, professional rowers, hobos) might just find this to be a useful trick to get a few luxury items (or even food, I guess. There are options for cash via Paypal for 700 swag bucks. I think the Amazon Gift Card is a much better deal.). You'll get started off with 30 swag bucks, which is 6.66(repeating, of course)% of the way towards that Amazon Gift Card. If there is enough interest, I'll post a 'How To' guide on the little intricacies of getting additional swag bucks beyond just searching without a lot of effort. Like voting in the daily poll for 1-2 swag bucks per day.

Keep it in the family.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Liberty Memorial in Kansas City

We're back in San Diego after our whirlwind visit to Kansas City. On Sunday we had the city to ourselves and opted to visit the Liberty Memorial. You may be more familiar with it's colloquial name: The National World War I Museum.

Let me tell you, this museum was the real deal. A lot of museums can just put stuff up without any intruige or information, but to compliment the thousands of artefacts they had videos and timelines and artillery pieces and exhibits on what the different trenches looked like and what it would have been like to have fought in one. They had guns, knives, uniforms, torpedos, a tank, hand grenades, sewing kits, playing cards, everything! There is so much that your low, low admission of $12 (free for active duty and retired career military) you actually get admission to the museum for TWO days.

It was a remarkably lovely experience that definately justified staying an extra day in Kansas City. If you're passing through, make sure you allocate the time to go visit this treasure hidden away in America's heartland.

Keep it in the family.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Toto, we're back in Kansas!

Ah yes. Blogging from a locale that is different from one's residence. There's nothing quite like it. But that could also be said about winning the lottery, punching someone's lights out you really hate, and getting a massage.

The Gnafia's top members are vacationing in Kansas City today. We attended a beautiful wedding yesterday, so congratulations to the bride and groom! It really was a lovely ceremony and we had a lot of fun at the reception!

To save on airfare, I took an extra day of leave to fly out on Monday. So we have all of Sunday to spend in Kansas City. Natually, my first inclination is to find a nearby Civil War Site or something equally interesting to my mother. This is both good and bad. Good, because I can find lots of interesting things to do anywhere. Bad, because I'm turning into my mother. I do have her feet.

While I'm at it, I have a product review. The Hyundai Sonata. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best, I give it a suck. This car has very little to offer. The steering and handling is very stiff, you might as well be driving something without windows because your blind spot is bigger than a whale, your rear window fits very tidily into your rear view mirror (i.e. it's REALLY SMALL), and in general is about as much fun to drive as having bamboo shoots jammed under your fingernails. The car has one redeeming feature, which saved it from the tragic suck-minus rating, and that is the center console has a handy shallow storage tub and a deeper one below that. Now, for the silver lining -- I didn't have to drive a PT Cruiser (which is all the rental car company had to offer instead). Holy crap those things are ugly.

That's about it for now, I'm going to catch a few more ZZZ's before church and an exciting day in Kansas City!

Keep it in the family.