
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Toto, we're back in Kansas!

Ah yes. Blogging from a locale that is different from one's residence. There's nothing quite like it. But that could also be said about winning the lottery, punching someone's lights out you really hate, and getting a massage.

The Gnafia's top members are vacationing in Kansas City today. We attended a beautiful wedding yesterday, so congratulations to the bride and groom! It really was a lovely ceremony and we had a lot of fun at the reception!

To save on airfare, I took an extra day of leave to fly out on Monday. So we have all of Sunday to spend in Kansas City. Natually, my first inclination is to find a nearby Civil War Site or something equally interesting to my mother. This is both good and bad. Good, because I can find lots of interesting things to do anywhere. Bad, because I'm turning into my mother. I do have her feet.

While I'm at it, I have a product review. The Hyundai Sonata. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best, I give it a suck. This car has very little to offer. The steering and handling is very stiff, you might as well be driving something without windows because your blind spot is bigger than a whale, your rear window fits very tidily into your rear view mirror (i.e. it's REALLY SMALL), and in general is about as much fun to drive as having bamboo shoots jammed under your fingernails. The car has one redeeming feature, which saved it from the tragic suck-minus rating, and that is the center console has a handy shallow storage tub and a deeper one below that. Now, for the silver lining -- I didn't have to drive a PT Cruiser (which is all the rental car company had to offer instead). Holy crap those things are ugly.

That's about it for now, I'm going to catch a few more ZZZ's before church and an exciting day in Kansas City!

Keep it in the family.

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