
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 1: First Order of Business

Day 1

Yet another uneventful day here at work. I have projects, but I'm waiting on people outside of the command to get me things or do things so I can progress. It's much akin to watching paint dry. So, I decided to give myself a mission.

I thoroughly enjoy cuddling and playing with our 1-year old Doxle every morning and evening. Taking her for walks (or better yet, runs!) and to the dog park are a frequent occurance and is the one solid 'hobby' my wife and I share. However, having a dog can be expensive from a frugalist's perspective. I occasionally get into a 'Freebie Kick' and scour the internet for free stuff. I am, afterall, cheap.

Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. In order to best facilitate obtaining my freebies, I created a g-mail account to keep all of my free stuff e-mails seperate. I can't check this at work, which is probably a good thing. I want to keep my regular inbox less-cluttered than it currently is. I average about 3-4 e-mails of spam a day in my regular inbox. On top of the dozen or more e-mails from Facebook, I end up deleting most of my e-mails anyways. But I don't want to have to sort too hard, hence the seperate e-mail.

Next, I did a quick search. By far the best hit I came across was this very useful site. There are dozens upon dozens of free offers with no obligations, and some with obligations. I ignored the ones that had an obligation. Sadie should be well stocked in September and October with various samples of dog food, dog treats, and by far my favorite sample is a dog sleeping bag. Why a dog needs a sleeping bag, I don't know. I look forward to picking up the stuffing when Sadie rips it out of the bag, though. It is, afterall, free. There's also ferret toys, iguana food, and samples for cats. I know I don't have an iguana or a cat, but in the event I come across someone who does, maybe I can bargain with them to get something cool for it.

If I had a printer, there are copious quantities of coupons. This requires some additional effort on your behalf, plus the cost of the paper, ink, and gas to redeem the coupon, but at 0.8 cents per piece of paper ($3.99 for 500 sheets at Wal-Mart) for a $3 dog treat is a fair trade in my opinion. We go to PetsMart on a bi-weekly basis anyways, so it practically pays for the gas and then some. I think my next mission might be to get a free printer, or free ink since we have a printer at home. It just isn't set up.

I don't want to overload anybody's reading senses, nor do I want to run out of good ideas to blog about. So I'll wrap up this post.

Thanks for reading. Keep it in the family.

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