
Friday, September 24, 2010

Freakin' Freebies for Friday - 24 September, 2010

Yes, Gnafia, it is that time again as we find Friday upon us for yet another consecutive week!

What would Friday be without Freebies, am I right? I had a brilliant idea for this week's freebies, and that was to target my specific freebies for a particular person instead of haphazard randomness as I have in the past. If I can continue to do so, I'll keep it up, otherwise back to haphazard randomness next week.

This week our featured guest is an Olympian. So Ms. Olympian, these freebies are for you. Sort of. You won't hurt my feelings if you go, "Um, thanks but no thanks." Also, these products are in no way shape or form endorsed or supported by any Olympian, ever. I'm just trying to find free stuff that fits with my pre-concieved notions of Olympians.

Honorable Mention: Nature's Path Granola Bar

I figured granola is a great source of... nutrition. Plus, it's called Nature's Path, so it's got to be at least someone rooted in nature and organicness, both of which are favorites of Ms. Olympian. So we can all snack like an Olympian. Is that similar to walking like an Egyptian? Olympians in Egypt? Now I just digress. Click here to claim your free sample of Nature's Path granola bars!

Runner-Up: My IsoMass Iced Coffee

Clearly we all need to bulk up. Protein, according to Superman, is of vital importance to building a strong set of muscles. Olympians need muscle. I have no idea if they utilize the various protein supplements on the market, but once again free is free. Is it safe for human consumption? I have no idea. Was it tested on animals? Well, didn't you see that Looney Toons episode where Bugs Bunny was all muscly and pumping iron? Duh. Use at your own risk! Click here to claim your free sample of My IsoMass Iced Coffee supplement!


OK, this is really just a shameless plug for the second best blog in the tubes known as the Internet. But, you can follow it for free, and join their forums for free, so it's a free way to connect with other Olympic supporters and follow your favorite Olympian. So it really kind of is a freebie, isn't it? Oh, and staying in touch with friends and family while abroad -- big, big thumbs up. Trust me. Click here to check it out!

Pseudo-Oddity: Nectavida

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what this is. It's up there with the IsoMass as a 'use at your own risk' but it's some sort of supper supplement. Sounds dangerous. Right up my alley. Click here to check it out and request your own free sample!

I hope you've enjoyed this week's edition of the Friday Freebies. Three cheers for Friday, and maybe a cheer and a half for Freebies. It better not be the 'Aussie, Aussie, Aussie; Oiy, Oiy, Oiy!' cheer, either. This isn't Australia. Though Australia is nice. It's time for a relaxing weekend filled with fun frivolities and puppy folleys for this gnome!

Keep it in the family!

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