
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Free Stuff in the Mail

Greetings Gnafia,

I got the mail this morning. Usually good to do that on a daily basis. And lo and behold, but what should arrive but one of the numerous samples I've requested. This was some sort of fortified drink mix. Mmmm, drink mix. Because water is just too boring to drink by itself. Anyways. I'm trying to amass a pile of free stuff I got, take a picture, and then sample a bunch of them. I will, of course, share my findings here once I do. So, two freebies down, ??? more to go!

It's an otherwise uneventful day today. I do enjoy hearing from across my cubicle, "We really need to call the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse hotline against TORTUGA." This is coming from our LCDR Supply Officer. I like her. It's the small things you take for granted and make you smile; the smallest things are just that much more important and must be cherished. And I am cherishing this one.

I heard an interesting radio broadcast about anger yesterday. The host was advocating that anger is a legitimate emotion and rather than managing your anger, you ought to resolve it. Yes, anger resolution. Acknowledge that you are angry, let whomever angered you know you are angry, and then let it go. They claim that when anger becomes bitterness or vengence is when it becomes harmful. I would tend to agree with them. We all may need to resolve more of our anger in our lives, and not freak out and have to get sent to Anger Management classess over Holiday Standdown.

I like to think that I'm not an angry person. I've certainly had periods of extreme irritability, mostly at the incompetence of others. Those periods of extreme irritability lead to great malcontent on my part, primarily because it lead to bitterness and vengence. I would even say I'm still bitter. I really need to stop being bitter. Though I must admit there is a certain level of fulfillment that bitterness provides, and I am fearful that without it I will just be empty inside. Kind of like I already am... hrm...

That's about it for now. Also, I've been tracking the statistics of this blog. We average about 14 readers per new post, with an average stay time of 1 minute and 17 seconds. Not bad. So keep it up, gnafia!

Keep it in the family.

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